Jari Mäki Oy (Inc.)

Jari Mäki Oy (Inc.)

Jari Mäki Oy (Jari Mäki Inc.) is specialized in American products. The company operates in Koskekorva town in western Finland. We do have co-operation all over the USA and our knowledge of international business is well.

The main business line is to import and sell car parts, accessories and service for American cars in Finland. Other lines of business include Country Western products, American toys, gitf items and clothing. One more business line is the rental of special cars.



The companys product range consist of

  • Car parts & Accessories
  • Wheels & Tires
  • Country Western products
  • Other American style products like toys, gifts, dressing, decoration...

We also sell some American foods, for example sodas, pancake-mixes, sauces, Jell-O's and Kool Aids!


Our American Store in Koskenkorva attends the customers all over the Finland. The store and its milieu gives a exciting and interesting image of The America in the Middle of Finnish Country Side.



Besides the Store we have an USA Car Service and we also have a special car rental for weddings and parties.

The company serves the customers also by webshop, and we do ship orders around the Finland (and to Europe), but we are sorry the webshop is only in Finnish!

Do you want to know more about companys history?

Contact information:


Lasipajantie 7, 61330 Koskenkorva, FINLAND
(Lännentie 7)


Open hours

The Store                                              Car Service
Mon-Fri   8 am - 5 pm                          Mon-Fri 8 am - 4.30 pm
Sat   9 am -  2 pm


Phone numbers and e-mail:

The Store +358-6-4229 888 mail [@] jarimaki.fi
Jari Mäki +358-400 654 888  
Petri Ritola +358-40 743 5291  
Susanne Mäki-Antila +358-40 769 0088  
Marianne Koivunen  +358-44 989 7508  
Juha-Matti Hirsimäki +358-44 705 6616  
Car Service +358-50 363 7888  
Hannu Antila, Sami Siltala    





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